In his first address to the United Nations as Iran's President, President Pezeshkian sought to portray himself – and the regime he represents – as a thoughtful partner on the world stage. It is important to remember that his is a regime that is single-handedly responsible for undermining regional stability in the Middle East and around the world, pouring funding and weapons into terror groups that are committed to death and destruction, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen, all while building nuclear weapons in violation of international law and the JCPOA. 

Iran continues to be a threat to not only the region, but also to the larger global community as it develops even deeper ties with Russia – including the transfer of suicide drones and missiles that have been used in attacks against civilians in Russia’s unjustified, illegal invasion of Ukraine – and seeks to influence the U.S. election through cyberattacks and the spread of misinformation and disinformation. 

The Iranian regime poses a profound danger to global peace and security. The global community – led by the United States – must come together to stand up to this regime as it continues to fuel conflict in the Middle East, spreads its sphere of influence even further into Europe and, increasingly, in Latin America, and engages in a multifront effort of destabilization around the world.


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