Who is Ted Deutch?

Congressman Ted Deutch has represented Broward and Palm Beach Counties in the U.S. House of Representatives since April 2010. He is a longtime friend and close partner of American Jewish Committee (AJC). His full bio can be found here.


When will Ted assume the role of AJC CEO?

Ted will assume the role of AJC CEO on October 1, 2022.


How was Ted selected?

The search for a successor to AJC CEO David Harris was led by an AJC lay Succession Committee and was conducted in partnership with Heidrick & Struggles, an executive search firm. 

The process, which began in early 2021, identified more than 200 contacts that led to a robust group of candidates. The Succession Committee interviewed many of the candidates over several rounds of interviews. Ultimately, AJC’s 28-member Executive Council, the organization’s most senior lay body, unanimously selected Ted as AJC’s next CEO. 


Who selected Ted?

AJC’s 28-member Executive Council, the organization’s most senior lay body, unanimously selected Ted as AJC’s next CEO.


Why is Ted the right choice for AJC?

Ted is the right choice to serve as AJC’s next leader for a multitude of reasons, including his deep and lifelong commitment and passion for protecting the Jewish community, the State of Israel, and democratic values. Ted has a longstanding relationship with AJC and is passionate about AJC’s mission and vision, making him a natural fit to advance the organization’s critical global work.

Additionally, his extensive foreign policy experience, deep relationships with political leaders and diplomats around the world, strong fundraising and communications skills, appreciation for the lay-staff partnership, and proven ability to reach younger generations were among the many reasons why AJC’s Executive Council chose Ted.


What is Ted’s association/history with AJC?

Ted is a longtime friend and partner of AJC and has worked closely with the organization throughout his tenure in Congress. 

At the national level, Ted has worked with AJC through his roles on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Antisemitism, the Congressional Hellenic Israel Alliance, the Congressional Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations, the Latino-Jewish Caucus, and as a member of AJC’s Transatlantic Friends of Israel inter-parliamentary group. 

Ted has been a champion in the House of Representatives on many of AJC’s core issues – most notably, combating antisemitism, supporting the State of Israel, and countering the threats posed by Iran.

Ted has also maintained close ties locally in Florida through AJC’s Palm Beach and Miami offices.


What is Ted’s vision for the organization? 

Ted is extremely passionate about AJC’s mission and vision and is committed to furthering AJC’s non-partisan, centrist, and nuanced approach to policy. 

As every new leader does, Ted will work closely with the staff and lay leadership, listen to stakeholders, and then define together AJC’s core mission, values, and key priorities. These cohorts are well aware of the successful elements that have made AJC the leading global Jewish advocacy organization and have no intention of doing anything but strengthening that position. 


What will the transition timing/process look like? How will the period between the announcement and Ted’s start date work? 

David Harris will remain AJC CEO until Ted assumes the role on October 1 when Congress recesses for the November election, after which David will stay on as a consultant for one year to assist in a seamless transition.

David will play an important role during the transition in ensuring Ted is well positioned to lead AJC and continue to build on David’s extraordinary legacy. 

Over the next several months, Ted will become even more familiar with AJC’s organizational culture, its lay and professional leadership, and the work ahead. While Ted will be fully committed to serving his constituents during this period, this lead time also provides an opportunity for AJC to prepare for Ted and for Ted to prepare for the work he will commence at AJC following his departure from Congress.

For questions or suggestions on the transition process, please email Nadine Greenfield-Binstock at Greenfield-BinstockN@ajc.org



Is Ted starting to prepare for the role?

While Ted was only recently selected for the role, one could say he has been preparing for years. Ted is a lifelong Jewish and pro-Israel activist. He has been a champion in the House of Representatives on issues of concern to AJC and the broader Jewish community. 

Ted will take the time between now and October to further his understanding of the AJC culture, how we operate, and the expertise and contributions of our staff and lay leaders. He is truly “all in” and greatly looks forward to working with all of us to achieve our collective goals and establish new ones along the way. 


Where will Ted be based?

Ted will continue to live in Florida in close proximity to AJC’s Miami and Palm Beach operations. He will spend a significant portion of his time at our Headquarters in New York and in our Washington, D.C. office, in addition to traveling around the country and the world as part of regular AJC business.


Does Ted have fundraising experience?

Ted is a highly experienced fundraiser. Having run multiple campaigns for state senate and for Congress, Ted has raised well over $10 million. In all of his congressional campaigns, Ted has dramatically outraised every one of his opponents. 

Ted also has extensive relationships in the Jewish donor community across the country. He is enthusiastic about fundraising for AJC, as he understands that it is an imperative if we are to pursue our mission with strength. He is ready to commit the necessary time to this important function. 

Additionally, Ted has significant fundraising experience as a lay leader. He was engaged in development during his time at the Cleveland and South Palm Beach Jewish Federations, including serving as Young Leadership President, as member of UJA National Young Leadership Cabinet, and in leadership roles on other community boards.


Will Ted be at AJC Global Forum 2022?

Yes, Ted will be featured during portions of AJC Global Forum 2022, where we will also be honoring AJC CEO David Harris and AJC President Harriet Schleifer. 


Additional questions?

For questions or suggestions on the transition process, please email Nadine Greenfield-Binstock at Greenfield-BinstockN@ajc.org


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