Project Interchange Alumni Facilitate Successful Intergroup Upstander Training

Humera Khan (U.S. Muslim Leaders 2018) and Adnan Ansari (Faith Based Community Leaders, 2016 & New York Area Alumni Leaders 2019) of Muflehun delivered a highly praised ‘Tackle! Upstander Training.’ The training, funded by a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant to Muflehun, a resource center that addresses ‘complex social challenges’ is collectively designed and delivered by AJC and Muflehun. Tackle! takes a multi-sectoral public health approach to mitigate the risk of domestic terrorism and targeted violence, with a focus on reducing antisemitism and anti-Muslim bigotry. The program is delivered to state and local government officials, law enforcement as well community leaders. AJC and Muflehun have 10 trainings planned, reaching more than 150 people. Read more.