Articles by Deidre Berger

A Kosher Stamp for Terrorists?
Few countries are as resistant to listing Hezbollah as terrorist organization in its entirety as Germany.
4 Takeaways from Chancellor Merkel’s Trip to Israel
After German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s latest visit to the Jewish state, AJC Jerusalem Director Avital Leibovich and AJC Berlin Ramer Institute Director Deidre Berger, answered key questions about the relationship between the German leader and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and what’s next for Germany-Israel ties.
Official Police Statistics on Antisemitism Must Be Revamped
The official statistics on antisemitic incidents almost exclusively classify the multitude of antisemitic incidents (four a day!) as right-wing extremism.
Jerusalem and the Middle East Peace Process
There are many reasons for caution in dealing with the status of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, to which the Palestinians also lay claims. However, there are also reasons that the U.S. government took a logical step stating the obvious, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Germany’s Future, and Europe’s
Amid the tumultuous political developments in trans-Atlantic and European affairs over the last decade, Germany has been a bedrock of stability, with Chancellor Angela Merkel a key global leader.
Is German Stability and Security Turning into Instability and Insecurity?
Amid the tumultuous and jarring political developments in transatlantic and European affairs over the past decade, Germany has been a bedrock of stability, with Chancellor Angela Merkel a key global leader.
It’s time for a reset in the German-Israeli relationship
The German mindset towards Israel is predicated on the mistaken assumption that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the transformative solution that will bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East. But a reset of this ideology is urgently overdue.