Articles by Seffi Kogen

How Many Jews Need to Be Attacked in America Before Progressives Speak Up?
Perhaps it's fitting that May is Jewish American Heritage Month. After all, despite our success in America and the richness and beauty of our faith and culture, there may be no more consistent part of our heritage as Jews than to be violently attacked, viciously demeaned, and utterly disregarded as we cry out for support. In that respect, some of our fellow Americans have been doing an excellent job marking the month.
It's Time We Taught Antisemitism
I have no doubt that if one asks young Americans whether they hate Jews, the overwhelming majority would say they do not. But a majority of them do not know what antisemitism is, and many can’t even recognize it when it’s staring them in the face. Antisemitism is a full-blown problem on American campuses.
Wear Your Jewish Pride
American Jewish Committee, is calling for a day to publicly and proudly declare Jewish pride. On Monday, January 6, we’re asking all Jews across the U.S. to wear a kippah, or a Star of David, or a Hebrew t-shirt, or some other identifiably Jewish item. These simple acts will be a powerful public display of solidarity with those Jews who cannot strip off their Jewishness, a demonstrable stand against those who seek to harm us.
Anti-Israel Activists On Campus Have Made Ignorance A Virtue
These incidents join a growing list of anti-Semitic episodes targeting Jewish students at institutions of higher education. But even worse, the episode at McGill shows how students aren’t just barring attachment to Israel; they are barring learning about it at all, for the simple reason that exposure to Israel inevitably means abandoning the good vs. evil narrative that prevails in progressive spaces.
No, Israel Didn’t Just Adopt Trump’s Muslim Ban
Omar and Tlaib were not banned for who they are, they were banned for things they have done and might have done had they been allowed entry,
Why Is AOC Tokenizing A Fringe Jewish Group?
Ocasio-Cortez is a freshman member of Congress, a politician without strong ties to the Jewish community. How is she supposed to know what American Jews really think if she doesn’t seek out the views of mainstream Jews? But by elevating IfNotNow, she has committed a cardinal sin of progressivism and tokenized American Jews.
How Do We Fight Antisemitism in 2018? Show Up for Shabbat, Stand with Jewish Neighbors
I can think of no better response to such a heinous violation of the sanctity of a synagogue than to encourage all American Jews to seek spiritual sanctuary in their sanctuaries, and to do so proudly and without fear.
No Single Organization Speaks For Jewish Millennials
A recent op-ed in these pages by Madi Norman, a member of IfNotNow Chicago, argued that young Jews feel unrepresented by what she calls “the Jewish establishment.”
How Jews on the left and the right are empowering BDS
The BDS debacle at the University of Michigan proved once again that Jews can be their own worst enemies.
What We Learned from the UNESCO Advocacy Seminar
We arrived in Paris, where UNESCO is headquartered, with 18 Jewish student leaders – half of whom were Americans studying abroad in Europe, and half of whom hailed from across Europe and beyond.
An Easy Litmus Test For Monuments
Monuments are not mere markers of history; they are instruments of memory. Whom we choose to memorialize says a great deal about who we are as a people.
'Israeli Apartheid Week' Negates Jewish History
In anticipation of the “Israeli Apartheid Week” events soon to take place across college campuses, Seffi Kogen illuminates the true historical context behind the idea of Israeli settler-colonialism.
We’ll lose college students if Israel becomes a partisan cause
As the question of U.S.-Israel ties increasingly risks dangerous re-branding as a partisan issue, pro-Israel advocates must prioritize bipartisan, inter-communal outreach strategies and maintain allies on both sides of the aisle.
How BDS is Pushing Jewish Students Out of Social Justice Activism
A Barnard College sophomore recently articulated the sad choice many progressive Jewish students face on campuses around the country.