Articles by Simone Rodan-Benzaquen

The Boiling Point: Confronting Iran's Escalating Threat
With the Islamic Republic of Iran on the brink of developing nuclear weapons and dragging the entire region toward a full-scale war, the US, Europe, and their allies need an urgent policy review to confront the regime’s clear and present danger to global security. It is time to move beyond diplomacy and defense, and take concrete actions to thwart Iranian aggression. The US must rally a global coalition to forcefully counter Iran’s conventional, terror, and nuclear threats.
European Elections: June-July 2024; Results and AJC Expert Analysis
Throughout the summer, American Jewish Committee (AJC) experts have been deeply focused on the elections across Europe. Find insights here.
The West Must Lead Now to Curb a Nuclear-Poised Iran
The world has become increasingly perilous in recent years. First, Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine shook European and global security. Then, the horrific attacks by Iran-backed Hamas on October 7 against innocent Israeli civilians marked not only a new level of antisemitic and terrorist horror but also opened a seven-front war of survival for the Jewish state.
Peace now?
The unbearable images of the war in Gaza have shaken the world, prompting urgent calls for an end to the suffering. However, neither calls for an immediate unilateral ceasefire, nor incantations, nor grand speeches, nor votes at the United Nations will be enough to bring about peace or stop the violence.
Iran and the Failure of Diplomacy
The Iranian regime unleashed an unprecedented attack against Israel on the night of April; 13-14: a barrage of 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles.
Antisemitism in America is becoming like Europe
The American Jewish community is reeling not just from the shock of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack but also from the explosion in domestic Jew hatred it has provoked. Antisemitic vandalism, harassment, intimidation, and violence, including an incident last week where Queens high school students rioted over a teacher attending a pro-Israel rally, have skyrocketed across the country. Personal relationships have been shattered by the realization that some friends support Hamas.
Hamas Does Not Want to Improve Palestinian Lives
The spectre of Iran continues to loom over the Hamas attack on Israel. Being the de facto bank for armed militias and terrorists throughout the Middle East has been part of Iran's stock-in-trade for decades. Written by Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, Director of AJC Europe
When Will The Far Left Stop Instrumentalizing The Palestinian Cause?
Last December, after being expelled by Israel, Salah Hamouri was greeted with a hero's welcome at the Paris airport by several Members of Parliament of “La France Insoumise.” Ersilla Soudais, an MP from the far left party even described Hamouri's expulsion as “a deportation orchestrated by Israel,” an inappropriate choice of words, to say the least. For those who follow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but above all its treatment in France, this is not surprising.
Is ‘Never Again’ An Empty Promise?
Growing up as a Jew in traumatized post-Holocaust Germany, I have been haunted by the imperative of “Never Again.” As the Russian army retreats from areas north of Kyiv and we are collectively getting a glimpse of the horrors Ukrainians have been enduring, those words keep resonating in my mind. Corpses in the streets, testimonies of brutal executions of men, mass rapes of women and girls as young as 8, dying from their internal wounds. Is “Never Again” happening all over again?
Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Time For A European Wake-up Call
Faced with the brutal reality of a war on the European continent, we are now witnessing a European awakening. To counteract foreign interference in our democracies, members of the European Parliament finally passed a resolution a few weeks ago against destabilization efforts by foreign powers. In the fields of defense, technology and energy, responses are being prepared. France, which has long advocated for a "strategic rearmament" and also "European sovereignty," could take the lead, working with its European and American partners rather than ignoring their concerns and pleas.
If Europe Is Serious About Fighting Antisemitism, It Must Skip Durban 20
Countries are lining up to declare they will not attend the20th anniversary of the UN’s notorious 2001 World Conference Against Racism, held in Durban, South Africa. The gathering is set to take place on September 22, during the opening days of the UN General Assembly.
The Far Left Only Cares About Palestinians When It Can Blame Israel
Demonstrations in the West Bank and the ensuing crackdown have been almost entirely ignored by Western media, politicians and civil society. The traditional champions of the Palestinian cause, those on the Far Left who vehemently protested Israel's actions in Gaza during the most recent conflict with Hamas, have remained silent.
Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism: Is America Following in Europe’s Footsteps?
I am feeling déjà vu. During the latest Israel-Hamas battle, my Twitter and Instagram feeds were flooded with messages from Hollywood stars, American supermodels, influencers and hard-left U.S. Democratic lawmakers condemning Israel in the strongest possible terms, often using terms such as “racial inequality,” “police violence” or “apartheid.” Sitting here in Europe, I have seen these kinds of descriptions before.
Iran’s Murder Of A Journalist Proves Tehran Is Not A Peaceful Partner
European countries, in cooperation with the United States, must stand firm in their opposition and take an approach that reflects our strategic interests, convictions, and values.
Europe Must Fight Political Islam!
The fight against political Islam is also important precisely because the overwhelming majority of Muslims in France and Germany do not feel represented by the organizations of political Islam.
The state must finally be concerned with making this majority heard and supporting and strengthening these Muslims in their fight against fanatics.
France Can’t Bring Peace to Lebanon If It Continues to Ignore the Hezbollah Problem
By considering Hezbollah as a legitimate interlocutor in the process — engaging its representatives in Lebanon — France is perpetuating the problems. Unless Macron addresses the issue of Hezbollah, nothing will change.
Germany's Exemplary Decision to Protect Europe From Terrorism: A Way Forward for France and the EU
France must join its European partners in calling for Hezbollah to be placed on the European Union's list of terrorist organizations if it wants to be comprehensive in its fight against terrorism. France could very well become the next European hotspot for the organization once it is driven out of Germany.
Europe’s Lessons for the Struggle Against Antisemitism
As a European engaged around the clock with American Jews, I feel a sense of responsibility and urgency to share our experience. With every exhausting debate over what constitutes antisemitism, with every refusal to take into consideration antisemitism from the other side of the political divide, with every glance at the overwhelming amount of antisemitic hate speech online, and every time I see certain politicians in the U.S. fail to find the courage to speak out clearly and unequivocally and come up with a clear plan to combat this cancer, I get more nervous.
Antisemitism: France's experience must serve as a warning for Germany
Since antisemitism is symptomatic of a greater societal malaise, it should be made clear that antisemitism is not a "Jewish" problem, but a hatred that eats away at the foundations of our society. In this fight, nothing less than the future of an open, liberal, Europe is at stake.
Choosing Between Denial and Reason
Denouncing antisemitic and antidemocratic rhetoric, wherever it comes from- targeting both Jews and the state, the police, and all national institutions— is I believe my and every person of good faith’s duty.