Articles by Zev Hurwitz

Recognize And Prepare For Hatred On Campus
It is imperative that university administrators seize the opportunity for meaningful reform before antisemitic incidents morph into physical violence.
In Student Governments, Jews and Zionists Need Not Apply
A Jewish student is elected to the university’s student government. The student’s fitness for office is challenged by peers who question whether that student can maintain “neutrality” on campus issues because of their Jewish identity. The student is targeted for impeachment, presumed guilty of the apparent high crime of being a Jew. Several cases following this exact formula have disrupted campus life at schools across North America, causing Jewish students to feel isolated and ostracized simply because of who they are.
USC Is Taking Strong Action Against Antisemitism and Other Forms Of Hate
AJC Los Angeles, a letter to the editor, responds to a Los Angeles Times article on antisemitism at USC.
Don’t Blame Israel for Racial Injustice in America
Hijacking this moment to attack Israel fundamentally trivializes and distracts the work being done to achieve meaningful progress for the cause of racial justice in the United States.
Social Distancing Brings New Challenges, Opportunities for Jewish Students
The Coroavirus pandemic provides a singular opportunity for students to take stock of their communities and work to grow Jewish community engagement in creative new ways. Hostile voices aren’t quieting during quarantine—and neither will Jewish student leaders’ voices.
Campus BDS Threat Shifting to Academic Boycotts
Supporters of Israel, democracy and the free exchange of ideas must recognize the threat that academic boycotts pose to the health of the university environment and make clear that these attacks on academic freedom are not welcome on any campus.