On Thursday, April 11, 2019, AJC Washington Regional Office hosted its 27th annual Ambassadors’ Seder at Washington Hebrew Congregation. More than 320 people joined this celebration of freedom including ambassadors, State Department officials, Capitol Hill staff, and Jewish community leaders.

More than 75 diplomats, including two dozen ambassadors, represented more than 60 countries from six continents.

Alan Ronkin, Director of AJC’s Washington D.C. region noted, “At the Ambassadors’ Seder, we share the story of freedom with people from around the world. The evening teaches us about how much we share -- the desire for freedom and the end of oppression.”

Free Yezidi Foundation Founder and Executive Director Ms. Pari Ibrahim delivered remarks on the need to assist Yezidi survivors by providing education, economic skills, and post-trauma treatment. In addition, Ms. Ibrahim spoke about the meaning of freedom.

Flint Prujean, First Secretary at the Embassy of New Zealand, said regarding efforts to heal in the wake of the attacks in Christchurch:

“But the answers to them lie in a simple concept that is not bound by domestic borders, that isn’t based on ethnicity, power base or even forms of government,” he said. “The answer lies in our humanity, which is why it is so fitting to discuss such a theme at this Ambassadors’ Seder – celebrating our freedom while recognizing the threats to it, coming together in companionship, diversity and respect for one another. Breaking matzah and drinking wine. Events like this help bring us closer together and disempower those who seek to divide us.”

Thank you all for coming! Please check out the photo album on Facebook and save the date for the 28th Annual Ambassadors’ Seder on April 2, 2020.

The AJC Washington Region is celebrating its 75th anniversary.

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