The Board of Deputies of British Jews and AJC have signed an association agreement. The accord marks a new chapter in an increasingly close relationship between the two organizations.

“Our organizations share a vision and commitment to ensuring the well-being of Jews worldwide, and for the state of Israel, through global advocacy,” said AJC CEO David Harris. “From our many past joint efforts, we have only the highest admiration and appreciation for the tremendous work of the Board of Deputies. We look forward to deepening and expanding our cooperation.”

It is AJC's 33rd international agreement with overseas Jewish communities and student organizations.

"Over the course of this year, we have already cooperated on a number of projects which brought together the talent and experience of both our organizations. I am delighted that we are now formalizing our partnership with this association agreement,” said Board of Deputies Chief Executive Gillian Merron.

“The Brexit vote is undoubtedly going to have implications but also opportunities for Britain's role in the world. I have no doubt that the Board of Deputies and AJC will together make the most of this opportunity to work towards our common goal of protecting the well-being of the Jewish people both here in the UK and internationally," Merron added.

Collaboration between the two organizations in diplomacy was evident at a landmark seminar and reception for diplomats jointly hosted by the Board of Deputes and AJC Europe. It brought together ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of more than 40 countries in London last month.

Earlier this year, the two organizations partnered on AJC’s Mayors United Against Antisemitism campaign. With the essential help of the Board of Deputies, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, following his predecessor, Boris Johnson (currently the British Foreign Secretary), signed on, joining more than 500 U.S. and European mayors to publicly address and take concrete actions against rising antisemitism and the use of anti-Zionism as a cover for antisemitism.

The Board of Deputies, founded in 1760, is the voice of British Jews. AJC, founded in 1906, is the premier global Jewish advocacy organization, with headquarters in New York, 22 offices across the U.S. and 10 around the world. AJC Europe oversees AJC’s five posts across the continent, including Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Rome, and the new Warsaw-based AJC Central Europe office.

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