AJC is horrified by the wanton destruction of Aleppo, Syria’s third largest city, by the Bashar al-Assad regime, Russia and Iran.

“For more than five-and-a-half years, Syrian President Assad has waged a ruthless war against his own people, leaving well over 500,000 dead, millions displaced within their own country, and millions more forced to live as refugees in neighboring countries and beyond,” said AJC CEO David Harris.

“We know all too well from history the tragic consequences of governments that failed to find the will to act in the face of such unspeakable crimes against humanity,” said Harris. “Watching the boundless tragedy of Syria in real time only heightens the severity of the crisis and urgency, however late in the day, of a constructive, coordinated international response.”

“As we’ve been saying for at least five years, the Syrian people deserve more empathy and firmer action by the international community, yet, tragically, several UN Member States have joined with the Assad regime in its campaign of death and destruction,” Harris added.

AJC applauds U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power for speaking so honestly and passionately about Aleppo at the UN Security Council about who is responsible and should be held accountable for the Aleppo carnage.

“Aleppo will join the ranks of those events in world history that define modern evil,” said Ambassador Power, who named the Assad regime, Iran and Russia as the three UN Member States behind the massacre in Aleppo. “It should shame you. Instead, by all appearances, it is emboldening you,” she said. “Are you truly incapable of shame? Is there literally nothing that can shame you?”

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