AJC called today on President-elect Donald Trump to condemn any thought of establishing a government registry for Muslims.

“Singling out any ethnic or faith group to register with the government is both morally repugnant and unconstitutional,” said AJC CEO David Harris.

The noxious proposition of creating a registry for Muslims first came to the forefront a year ago during the presidential campaign. AJC denounced it at the time and welcomed the condemnations of other political leaders.

But the notion has reemerged following Election Day in statements, notably by a member of Trump’s transition team and incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

“Targeting all Muslims is a horror movie that we Jews are all too familiar with. It can easily lead to heightened discrimination, persecution, and scapegoating. In the United States, there is no place – no place, whatsoever – for this kind of divisive, hateful rhetoric,” said Harris.

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