AJC, the premier global Jewish advocacy organization, congratulated Mike Pompeo on his swearing-in as Secretary of State today. The letter from AJC (American Jewish Committee) CEO David Harris to Secretary Pompeo follows:

Dear Secretary Pompeo:

As longtime admirers and supporters of the State Department’s defense of American interests and values across the globe, and as proud civil society partners in that vital mission, AJC congratulates you on your swearing-in as Secretary of State.

We recognize that the challenges you face are daunting. As you know from your interactions with our Kansas City colleagues during your years in Congress, AJC is deeply committed to U.S. leadership in international affairs.  We share your belief, as you stated in your confirmation hearing two weeks ago, in diplomacy that promotes “America’s ideals, values, and priorities.” We were heartened by your pledge to immediately set about the task of filling the too-numerous vacancies in key Department positions, and we were particularly struck by the fundamental question you posed – and answered – in your opening statement:

“…As I have argued throughout my time in public service, if we do not lead the calls for democracy, prosperity, and human rights around the world, who will? No other nation is equipped with the same blend of power and principle….”

Through the work of our 11 overseas offices, six international institutes, our global interfaith activities and our advocacy programs in Washington and around the country, AJC maintains an active public policy profile – continuing a 112-year tradition.

At the top of our global agenda is denying Iran’s nuclear ambitions and hegemonic ambitions; protecting Jewish communities facing rising antisemitism; assuring Israel’s security and normalization of relations with all of its Arab neighbors; and defending universal human rights.

It is our earnest hope that among your first priorities will be the designation of a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, closing a 15-month gap.

AJC has been honored to work closely with the State Department throughout our history, exchanging information and consulting with U.S. diplomats when we travel to other lands. With high expectations from your years of dedicated public service, we look forward to continuing that close interaction with you and your State Department colleagues.

With our best wishes as you assume your critical responsibilities, we remain,


David Harris


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