An AJC leadership delegation, on the second leg of regional consultations following the U.S. election, met with senior Jordanian officials on a range of political and security issues.

Led by AJC President John Shapiro, the delegation discussed the organization's advocacy of close U.S.-Jordanian cooperation in confronting terrorism, extremism and instability; Jordan's development plans and its needs in coping with waves of refugees from Syria and Iraq; and the mutually understood, though not always publicized, benefits of Israeli-Jordanian ties. The 14-member delegation, including Board of Governors Chair Harriet Schleifer and Associate Executive Director for Policy Jason Isaacson, began this week's round of talks in Egypt.

Among the officials with whom AJC met in Amman were Dr. Fayez Tarawneh, Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court, who received the delegation on King Abdullah II's behalf at the Al-Husainiah Palace. The group met with Prime Minister Hani Al-Mulki and several members of his cabinet, with Imad Fakhoury, Jordan's Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, and with diplomats and policy experts.

AJC, committed to Arab-Israeli reconciliation and a negotiated two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, has maintained an office in Jerusalem for more than half a century and consults periodically with government officials, business leaders and civil society figures across the Arab world.

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