An AJC delegation just concluded a two-day visit to Brussels.

The trip was highlighted by private meetings with Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for Migration, Citizenship, and Home Affairs.

The group also met with other top-level officials, including Alain Le Roy, the Secretary General of the European External Action Service; senior members of the Office of the President of the European Council and of the Belgian Interior Ministry; the Swedish Ambassador to the EU; and the Israeli Deputy Ambassador to the EU.

Among the principal topics discussed were: (a) the migrant crisis and its implications for the EU as a whole, as well as individual member states; (b) the current tensions in EU-Israel ties over the problematic “labeling” issue; (c) U.S.-EU relations; and (d) the EU's role in the increasingly turbulent Middle East and North Africa.

“We came to Brussels as long-time friends of the EU, which we believe to be the most ambitious and successful peace project in modern history. We were eager to learn more about the current, and significant, challenges facing the 28-member Union, including migration, extremism, and security,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "AJC will continue to engage with EU institutions and member states, as we have for many years. The possibilities for deeper cooperation on a range of high-stakes matters have only grown as a result of the present situation."

During the visit, AJC also met with leaders of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS). AJC has maintained a longstanding partnership with EUJS through numerous initiatives.

The AJC Transatlantic Institute, based in Brussels and founded in 2004 through the vision and generosity of Rhoda and the late Jordan Baruch, is chaired by Robert Elman and directed by Daniel Schwammenthal.

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