AJC deplores the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) resolution on Palestinian children who have been detained by Israel after engaging in violence against Israelis. Disciples delegates attending the group’s General Assembly in Indianapolis adopted the resolution, which singles out Israel for harsh condemnation while giving the Palestinian leadership a pass on their responsibility for violence perpetrated by Palestinian children.

The Disciples statement follows on the United Church of Christ (UCC) resolution adopted last week—in fact, the six-page Disciples resolution mirrors the UCC text almost word for word. Both fail to acknowledge that Palestinian leaders continue to support violence against Israelis, regularly demonize Israel, deny Israel’s right to exist, and encourage children to act violently through textbooks and paramilitary camps.

“It is deeply disappointing that the Disciples of Christ denomination has adopted the path dictated by the discredited BDS (boycott divestment and sanctions) movement, attributing to Israel sole responsibility for failing to end the conflict and casting spurious allegations of human rights violations upon Israel,” said Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations.

The resolution’s call on the U.S. government to withhold military assistance from Israel ignores Israel’s right to defend itself against Palestinian terrorism and the anti-Israel incitement of their children.

“People of good will should be encouraging negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians leading to a two-state solution, not offering transparently lopsided indictments of Israel that lead nowhere,” said Marans. Israel has consistently demonstrated its commitment to peace, negotiating peace accords with Egypt and Jordan, and attempting innumerable negotiations with the Palestinians that the latter have torpedoed.

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