American Jewish Committee (AJC) will host a series of panel discussions on key policy issues at the Democratic and Republican conventions.

“Our programs on the sidelines of both political conventions every four years have offered unique opportunities to engage in-person delegates and other attendees,” said Jason Isaacson, AJC Chief Political and Public Policy Officer. “As the pandemic compelled us to embrace virtual programming, for the first time ever we are able to welcome many more people to attend and participate in these probing conversations.”

AJC at the 2020 Political Conventions follows on the popular AJC Advocacy Anywhere series, first launched in March, that has gained more than three million viewers, and the AJC Virtual Global Forum in June, in which many of the political issues to be explored during the conventions were discussed.

The series of AJC programs at both political conventions will feature panels composed of major thought leaders, members of Congress, party officials, and AJC experts. Registration is free at

Panel discussion topics will include the future of the U.S.-Israel relationship, the ongoing threat from Iran, current immigration challenges, the fight for racial justice, and the urgency of maintaining U.S. global leadership.

The lineup of public AJC programs, and currently confirmed speakers, includes:

Democratic National Convention

Monday, August 17, 12:00 PM (ET)

The Future of the U.S.-Israel Relationship: Challenges and Aspirations for a Vital Alliance

Featuring: Former Rep. Robert Wexler (FL), President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace; Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL)


Tuesday, August 18, 12:00 PM (ET)

Where We Go from Here: U.S. Policy toward Iran, Negotiation Prospects, and Ongoing Threats to Peace

Featuring: Former Rep. Steve Israel (NY), Director of the Cornell Institute of Politics and Global Affairs; H.E. Shaikh Abdulla AlKhalifa, Ambassador of Bahrain to the U.S. 


Wednesday, August 19, 12:00 PM (ET)

American Identity: Integration and Immigration

Featuring: Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY)


Thursday, August 20, 12:00 PM (ET)

Maintaining U.S. Global Leadership

Featuring: Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)


Republican National Convention

Monday, August 24, 12:00 PM (ET)

The Future of the U.S.-Israel Relationship: Challenges and Aspirations for a Vital Alliance

Speaker to be announced



Tuesday, August 25, 12:00 PM (ET)

Where We Go from Here: U.S. Policy toward Iran, Negotiation Prospects, and Ongoing Threats to Peace

Featuring: Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (2018-2020)


Wednesday, August 26, 12:00 PM (ET)

American Identity: Integration and Immigration

Featuring: Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)


Thursday, August 27, 12:00 PM (ET)

Maintaining U.S. Global Leadership

Featuring: Dr. Peter Berkowitz, Director of Policy Planning, U.S. Department of State

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