In the face of mounting Palestinian attacks on Israelis, AJC calls on the international community to quickly, clearly, and unequivocally condemn these acts of violence. In recent days, four Israelis were murdered, and more than a dozen injured, in a spate of attacks across Israel that show no sign of abating.

“President Abbas and other PA leaders are essentially sanctioning this terrorism by failing to condemn the murders of Jews,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “Even worse, Abbas has spun a twisted narrative, condemning Israelis for defending themselves against Palestinian assailants and, astonishingly, some major media have agreed. In other words, there is a process of reverse causality at work. Palestinians wantonly attack Israelis on the streets of Israel and, when Israel responds, it’s assailed for doing so without reference to the undeniable provocations.” The wave of Palestinian attacks follows Abbas’s UN address, in which he declared the PA would no longer honor its agreements with Israel. His speech came amidst ongoing confrontational Palestinian protests, also encouraged by the PA, on the Temple Mount, a site holy to Jews and Muslims alike.

“Let’s be clear. As Prime Minister Netanyahu again appealed, at the UN, to Abbas to return to the negotiating table to achieve permanent, sustainable Israeli-Palestinian peace, the PA chooses to stoke the flames of violence,” said Harris. “This failure by the PA to act is morally inexcusable, and should lead the international community to confront rather than coddle Abbas. Either he is or is not a partner for peace. Trying to have it both ways just won’t wash.”

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