2023-06-05 AJC Los Annual Meeting Pic 2
(l to r) AJC Los Angeles Board Chairman Marc Graboff, AJC Los Angeles Director Richard Hirschhaut, AJC Los Angeles President Russell Schwartz

On June 5, 2023, AJC Los Angeles hosted our 78th Kaufman Family Annual Meeting at the beautiful SLS Hotel. We were honored to be joined by a cross-section of the extended AJC family, including members of the Los Angeles Consular Corps, several elected officials, and over twenty interfaith and intergroup community partners from across Los Angeles.

The program featured a salute to Marc Graboff for his extraordinary leadership as AJC Regional President over the past three years. A special highlight was the remarks from our Japanese American partners following our shared visit to Manzanar last month.

2023-06-25 AJC Los Angeles Annual Meeting Pic 3
(l to r) Ambassador Hillel Newman, The Honorable Stefan Schneider, AJC Los Angeles Board Chairman Marc Graboff

The Neil Sandberg Memorial Program featured reflections from Ambassador Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel, and The Honorable Stefan Schneider, Consul General of Germany, as they conclude their distinguished service in Los Angeles. They have served our community well and we are grateful for their friendship over the years.

We were also delighted welcome several new Board members and officially induct Russell Schwartz as AJC Los Angeles Regional President.

Thank you to all who joined in this lovely evening and celebration of AJC’s work in Los Angeles!

2023-06-05 AJC Los Angeles Annual Meeting Pic 4
(l to r) The Honorable Stefan Schneider, Consul General of Germany; Manmohan Chopra, India Association of Los Angeles; Alissa Bernstein, AJC Los Angeles Assistant Director; The Honorable Cosmin Dumitrescu, Consul General of Romania; Ambassador Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel


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