An AJC leadership delegation just concluded a two-day visit to the capital of Azerbaijan.

The trip was highlighted by a 70-minute private meeting with the country's leader, President Ilham Aliyev, at the Zagulba Palace.

The eight-member group, led by AJC President John Shapiro and CEO David Harris, also had a private dinner with Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, who addressed the AJC Global Forum in Washington, D.C., in 2013.

In addition, they met with Nazim Ibrahimov, Chairman of the State Committee on Diaspora Affairs; Elshad Nassirov, Vice President for Communications at the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR); and the U.S. and Israeli ambassadors in Baku.

"Azerbaijan continues to be a very significant partner for both the U.S. and Israel. Baku's contributions in many spheres are increasingly vital in today's turbulent world," said Harris, who received the “Dostlug” Order of Friendship, Azerbaijan's highest honor for foreigners, in 2012. "And, not surprisingly, we encountered a great deal of interest in the new Trump administration and the approach it will take to the bilateral relationship. From our perspective, we count on the new team in Washington grasping Azerbaijan's importance to core American interests, including regional security, counter-terrorism, and energy policy."

The group also visited a synagogue, where they met with 25 leaders of the age-old and venerable Jewish community in Azerbaijan. AJC has a longstanding partnership with the community. There has been a Jewish presence in Azerbaijan for more than 2,000 years and a proud history of coexistence and participation in the country's life.

During the mission, Harris addressed more than 40 students studying international relations at the prestigious ADA University. His remarks focused on U.S. foreign policy and lessons of leadership. It was Harris's third visit to the academic institution.

AJC maintains close contact with Azerbaijan through its offices across the U.S., Europe, and other locations. The global Jewish advocacy organization visits Baku annually, and meets with senior Azerbaijani officials on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly every fall.

In addition to Shapiro and Harris, the delegation included Harriet Schleifer of Westchester, Chair of AJC's Board of Governors; Mark Atkins of Boston, a lay leader; Bettina Kuperman of Copenhagen and Istanbul, a member of the board of AJC Transatlantic Institute; Yakov Abramov, a leader of the Azerbaijani Jewish community in the U.S.; Sam Kliger, AJC's Director of Russian Affairs; and Joey Resnick, Chief of Staff to the AJC CEO.

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