American Jewish Committee (AJC) CEO David Harris praised Cyprus for endorsing today the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism.

“Governments willing to speak out and take action against the persistent hatred of Jews are essential to effectively combating antisemitism,” said Harris, who has discussed extensively the working definition in meetings with top Cypriot officials in New York, Washington, and Nicosia. “Unity on defining antisemitism is a crucial first step, even as more substantive action is needed to develop and implement concrete action plans. With Cyprus joining the growing list of European and other nations endorsing the IHRA working definition, the battle against rising antisemitism is strengthened.”

Adoption of the IHRA working definition by the Cyprus Council of Ministers, chaired by President Nicos Anastasiades, reaffirms the commitment of the Republic of Cyprus to promoting and fostering respect and diversity – and to combating all forms of discrimination, racism and xenophobia, including antisemitism, an official announcement said

The IHRA definition, adopted by the alliance’s 31-member states in 2016, is based on the 2005 European Monitoring Centre (EUMC) Working Definition. It offers a clear and comprehensive description of antisemitism in its various forms, including hatred and discrimination against Jews, Holocaust denial, and, of particular note, antisemitism as it relates to Israel.

AJC worked closely with the EUMC in developing this working definition as a standardized tool for monitors, law enforcement, and other relevant institutions.

For more information, download a copy of the AJC publication, The Working Definition of Antisemitism: What Does It Mean, Why Is It Important and What Should We Do With It?

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