AJC saluted President Trump for his steadfast support of the U.S.-Israel relationship, Israeli security and its age-old quest for peace, the eternal link between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and firm commitment to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

“My administration will always stand with Israel,” said Trump in his keynote address at the Israel Museum today. “Let's always remember the bond between our two nations is woven together in the hearts of our peoples,” said Trump. “America's security partnership with Israel is stronger than ever.”

The Museum, located in Jerusalem, Israel's capital city, was the last stop on the President's 36-hour visit to Israel, which included meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, and visits to the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, and to Yad Vashem, the official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

Several times in Israel, as he did in Saudi Arabia, the President sharply condemned the Iranian regime's nuclear ambitions and its brazen interference in other countries. “The U.S. is truly committed to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and halting its support for terror,” said Trump. “Iran will not have nuclear weapons.” AJC CEO David Harris applauded both the substance and symbolism of President Trump's visit to Israel.

“By laudably visiting Israel on his initial overseas trip, President Trump has demonstrated that the U.S.-Israel bond, based on shared democratic values, remains unshakable and is central to his world view,” said Harris. “The President's vow to do what he can to get an Israeli-Palestinian peace process back on track is important, but will only succeed if Palestinian Authority President Abbas returns to the table to engage in the direct talks with Israel that are essential to achieving a two-state solution, while ending the glorification of terrorism and repeated calls to incitement that undermine prospects for peaceful coexistence.”

President Trump's itinerary included several milestones, including the direct flight from the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, to Israel; the first visit to the Western Wall by a sitting U.S. president; the first U.S. president to include Israel in his initial overseas trip; and the unambiguous recognition of the link between Jerusalem and Israel.

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