AJC welcomed President-elect Trump’s pledge to “disavow and condemn” the Nazi-tainted “alt-right” organization that gathered in Washington, D.C., where the group’s leader, Richard Spencer, launched a vile antisemitic tirade at his group’s daylong conference. Trump made the comment in a meeting with The New York Times today.

“The hatred of minorities – prominently and chillingly including Jews – espoused by the alt-right movement is anti-American and should not be countenanced by any political leader,” said AJC CEO David Harris.

Speakers at the daylong gathering glorified whites over all other ethnic groups, and Spencer himself repeatedly threatened Jews, in both German and English, while members of the audience shouted “Hail Victory” and “Hail Trump,” raising their right hands in a Nazi salute. Referring to Jews, Spencer said, “One wonders if these people are people at all.”

“Since this movement has linked its enhanced visibility to its outspoken support for President-elect Trump during the long campaign, it was imperative that he make clear that the alt-right, as well as similar groups, are considered beyond the pale,” Harris said.

“We urge Mr. Trump to continue to highlight, as necessary, the dangers posed by the alt-right movement, and to correct any perceptions that white nationalists and white supremacists have any connection to the incoming Administration.”

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