American Jewish Committee (AJC) welcomed a new Facebook tool that aims to educate the public about the Holocaust. When users search certain key words related to the Holocaust, a pop-up will appear directing users to more detailed information.

“The new pop-up treatment is a proactive step by Facebook for truthful Holocaust education. But the priority remains ensuring that Holocaust denial is entirely taken down from Facebook,” said AJC CEO David Harris. Facebook cited AJC as a partner in creating this critical resource.

AJC has been working closely with Facebook on combating antisemitism on the social media platform. In October, AJC praised Facebook’s decision to remove all Holocaust denial and distortion posts from the social media platform — and to prevent any such posts in the future under the company’s hate speech policy.

“The power and credibility of Facebook are vital to preserving the facts of the most documented genocide in history, and helping maintain the guardrails against any possible recurrence,” Harris said at the time. “There shouldn’t be a sliver of doubt about what the Nazi German regime did, nor should such a mega-platform as Facebook be used by antisemites to peddle their grotesque manipulation of history.”

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