The American Jewish Committee (AJC) Jewish Latino Allicance (JLA) presented a donation today to help rebuild the First Mexican Baptist Church (Primera Iglesia Bautista Mexicana). The church was destroyed during one of several tornadoes that struck Dallas in October.

“Each of us is potentially vulnerable to the fury of Mother Nature, irrespective of where we live, or the religion we practice,” said Kim Kamen, Associate Director of AJC's Department of Regional Offices and founder of AJC Dallas's Jewish Latino Alliance (JLA). 

Kamen presented the Dallas JLA donation to Pastor Ricardo Brambila at a luncheon celebrating the church's 101st anniversary.

Founded in 2008, the JLA, comprised of Dallas-area business and civic leaders, promotes mutual understanding, advocates for issues of shared concern, and builds strong leader-to-leader ties on behalf of the Jewish and Latino communities.

“JLA leaders are dedicated to nurturing a relationship with one another that transcends barriers and creates a lasting impact. The JLA is honored to be a part of this celebration.” Kamen told the congregation.

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