2019-01-23 Art of Diplmacy with Consul General of Egypt - Pic 1
AJC LA international relations co-chair Julie Bram introduces Ambassador Mekhemar 

On January 23, 2019, AJC Los Angeles Board Members Priscilla and Jamie Halper hosted “An Egyptian Perspective on the Art of Diplomacy” featuring Ambassador Lamia Mekhemar, the Consul General of Egypt in Los Angeles. AJC leaders, AJC ACCESS young professionals, the Egyptian Consulate, and the League of Egyptian American Professionals (LEAP) participated in the program. Priscilla moderated the conversation with Ambassador Mekhemar, who discussed her career in the Egyptian foreign service, her role in building bridges between different religious and ethnic communities, and her advocacy for women’s rights.  

AJC has partnered with Egypt for many years to advance the preservation of Jewish heritage, and in 2017, Egypt began work to restore the historic Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue—the country’s oldest synagogue—in Alexandria.  AJC is committed to strengthening the U.S.-Egypt-Israel partnership and this year will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty and Egypt’s significant role as the first Arab country to make peace with the Jewish state.

2019-01-23 Art of Diplmacy with Consul General of Egypt - Pic 2
Ambassador Mekhemar (second from left) with AJC Los Angeles Board Members 
2019-01-23 Art of Diplmacy with Consul General of Egypt - Pic 3
Ambassador Mekhemar (center) with moderator and host Priscilla Halper (right)  


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