Do you want to create a space for real conversation, community building, and true understanding? We believe your ideas and voices are essential in shaping the future of Atlanta and beyond…

Introducing the Black/Jewish Teen Initiative (BJTI), the teen edition of Project Understanding—a standout accomplishment of the Atlanta Black/Jewish Coalition! This program is all about ensuring that the strong relationships between future leaders and decision-makers who identify as Black and/or Jewish continue to grow and thrive in the next generation.

Applications for the 2023-2024 cohort are now closed. Please sign up for Black/Jewish Coalition emails to stay in the loop about the program.


For the leaders of tomorrow.

If you are (or someone you know is) a high school junior or senior living in the Greater Atlanta area and identifies as Black and/or Jewish, this program is made for you.

Captivating sessions only.

Our programming will be engaging and insightful, covering topics like the history of Black/Jewish relations, combating racism and antisemitism (hatred of Jews), exploring the diversity within the Black and Jewish communities, and learning how to build powerful relationships for advocacy.

Mark your calendars!

The 2023-2024 session dates are listed below, but keep in mind that they are subject to change. Weekday sessions will be held in the evening, so you can fit them into your busy schedules:

  • Session 1: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
  • Session 2/Overnight Trip: Sunday, October 22 - Monday, October 23, 2023
  • Session 3: Thursday, November 9, 2023
  • Session 4: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
  • Session 5: Sunday, January 7, 2024
  • Session 6: Thursday, January 18, 2024
  • Session 7: Sunday, February 4, 2024

Watch the Clock! Nominations & Applications are due soon.

Applications for the 2023-2024 cohort are now closed. Please sign up for Black/Jewish Coalition emails to stay in the loop about the program.

We can't wait to welcome you to the Black/Jewish Teen Initiative (BJTI) and see the incredible impact we'll make together. Get ready to become the leaders of tomorrow and create a brighter future for our communities. Let's make it happen!


Questions? Contact Scroll down for the FAQ.

The Black/Jewish Teen Initiative is generously funded by the Redstone Family Foundation and JumpSpark, an initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

Each session will last approximately two hours. The overnight trip will take place Sunday and Monday.

Is it virtual or in-person? Where will the program take place?

This experience will be in-person, with sessions taking place in different locations across Atlanta. Kosher meals will be included for each session. 

Does it cost anything?

No, this program is free, thanks to generous support from the Redstone Family Foundation and JumpSpark, an initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.

What will we be doing or learning?

Participants will develop leadership and advocacy skills, and will learn about the history and experiences of the Black and Jewish communities.

Topics will include the history of Black/Jewish relations, racism and antisemitism (oppression and discrimination in Black and Jewish communities), diversity within the Black and Jewish communities, and utilizing relationship-building in advocacy.

What's the difference between a nomination and an application?

Nominations help express interest. Someone else can nominate you or you can nominate yourself if you're still deciding on whether to apply. However, nominations are not required---you can also directly fill out the application. All nominees must still fill out the application. 

How long is the application?

Expect the application to take around 30-45 minutes. It includes basic information about you and your parents, as well as two short essay questions (250 words or less).

What is the application process?

Once you apply, your application will be reviewed by our Black/Jewish Teen Initiative Steering Committee. You may then be contacted for an interview. Applicants will hear about their acceptance in September 2023. 

Is it only available to teens in Atlanta?

Yes, the program is only open to high school juniors and seniors in the greater Atlanta area.

Will there be transportation support?

Please be in touch if you need support with transportation. Transportation should not be a barrier to participation. 

What if I am not a rising junior or senior but still want to participate?

If you are a rising freshman or sophomore, we strongly encourage you to apply in a few years! Make sure you stay up to date with AJC Atlanta and Black/Jewish Coalition happenings for other ways to be involved.

If you are a college student, we recommend you learn more about PLOT: Political Leaders of Tomorrow. This isn’t an AJC program but is run by friends in the community.

Do I get school credit or volunteer hours?

Please individually consult with your school on whether this program satisfies your volunteer or credit requirements.

Will the meetings include food?

Yes, meals are included in all sessions. Kosher meals will be included for each session. 

What will the overnight trip entail?

Participants on the trip will travel to Alabama to learn about the Civil Rights Movement, Black/Jewish activism, and Black and Jewish communities in the South. The trip will include museum visits, dialogue, and other programming.

What is the attendance policy?

We ask that you commit to attending all sessions and the overnight trip.

Do I have to be religious to participate?

No, this experience is open to Black and/or Jewish teens of all backgrounds and levels of observance. 

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