AJC praised California Governor Jerry Brown for signing the Governors United Against BDS statement, an AJC initiative that governors across the U.S. are joining to affirm their rejection of the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement against Israel.

“Governor Brown has once again asserted his unequivocal support for Israel and opposition to those who seek to stigmatize and delegitimize a valued partner of California and the only democracy in the Middle East," said Dan Schnur, incoming Director of AJC's Los Angeles Region.

In September 2016, Brown signed into law AB 2844, designed to combat the BDS movement against Israel.

"The California-Israel relationship has flourished under Governor Brown's leadership,” said Schnur. “His efforts to confront BDS will help ensure that critical partnerships between California and Israel -- in water, energy, agriculture, and many other fields -- continue to expand."

In March 2014, Brown and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu signed a broad, innovative agreement to develop joint projects and conduct mutually beneficial research in California and Israel.

“We are grateful to Governor Brown for his leadership in further strengthening California-Israel ties,” said Matt Kahn, Director of AJC’s San Francisco Region. “Our state recognizes clearly that the BDS movement is malicious, targets Israel alone for punishment and does not advocate for peace.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), and Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy (D), are co-chairs of the national, bipartisan Governors United Against BDS initiative.

Photo By: Charlie Kaijo

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