We Mourn, We Praise – By Rabbi Noam E. Marans, American Jewish Committee (AJC) Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations

We mourn the trampling of our sacred Citadel of Liberty and the threat to democracy.

We praise the wisdom and fortitude of those who withstood the assault and assured due order.

We mourn the senseless loss of life and damage to revered property.

We praise those who risked their lives so that we and our institutions might be restored to safety.

We mourn the dangerous divisions in our country.

We praise all efforts to bring us together as brothers and sisters, as Americans, as human beings created in the image of God.

We mourn the failure of leadership.

We praise the success of leadership.

We mourn the loss of innocence that comes with the worst of our fears being realized.

We praise the overdue alarm which has now been sounded and heard.

We mourn the few who would subvert our most cherished values.

We praise the many who will not let that happen.

We mourn all resorts to violence.

We praise the heroic restraint and non-violent response.

We mourn the marring of our nation.

We praise America’s durability, resilience, and promise.

Dear God, “Spread over us Your canopy of peace, restore us with Your good counsel,

And save us for the sake of Your name. Shield us. Shelter us in the shadow of Your wings.” Amen.  

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