Call to Action

Jewish students have faced an unprecedented wave of antisemitism in higher educational institutions over the past 12 months. Here are some steps that Hillel International and AJC recommend institutions take to ensure that Jewish students and all students can learn in a safe and inclusive campus environment.  

I. Articulate and Enforce Policies Regarding Protests and Demonstrations. American campuses have a proud tradition of student protest, in keeping with core principles of open inquiry, free expression, and intellectual pluralism. Those principles are negated when some members of the academic community are silenced, harassed, intimidated or threatened, or when the university’s normal teaching, learning, and research activities are disrupted by others. Institutions should clarify their policies governing protests and demonstrations - particularly time, place and manner regulations - and explain why they are important, how they align with campus values, and the consequences of violating them. These policies must then be enforced in an even-handed, content-neutral and consistent manner to prevent activities that impede the university’s academic mission and to protect the rights of all members of the campus community to speak, listen, teach, research and learn.

II.  Commit to Obtaining Guidance and Knowledge to Improve Your Campus Climate 

  1. Engage AJC’s content experts to provide data-driven briefings, education, and trainings informed by leading scholarship for senior leadership teams, administrators,faculty, staff, and students on key topics, including Jewish history, identities and cultures; Jews and race; and Israel, Zionism, and modern Jewish identity. Consider participating in an immersive learning experience through one of AJC’s Project Interchange academic delegations. Contact us to talk through what would be best for your campus.

  2. Join Hillel International’s Campus Climate Initiative (CCI) and Network. CCI partners with higher education administrators to ensure a positive campus climate in which Jewish students feel comfortable expressing their identity and values free of antisemitism, harassment, or marginalization. Our flagship Campus Cohort Program combines education, data collection and analysis, and action planning and implementation and has helped more than 75 campuses take critical steps to foster a positive campus climate for Jewish students and all students. Apply now for Cohort 6 beginning in February 2025

III. Reaffirm Faculty Professional Responsibilities. Remind faculty that their freedom to articulate and disseminate academic ideas, perspectives, and approaches is accompanied by a responsibility to ensure that students can study and learn free from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation consistent with their rights under our civil rights laws. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion. 

IV. Support Jewish Students:

  • Respond Promptly to Antisemitic Activity - Call out and condemn antisemitic incidents; explain the steps the institution will take to address their effects and ensure that harassment against Jewish students does not recur; describe the support available to Jewish students; establish clear expectations for respectful campus discourse.
  • Prevent Discrimination against Jewish and Israeli Students - Ensure full access to all registered student organizations and student government activities, and denounce the targeting of Jewish campus organizations.
  • Show Up for Jewish Students  - Attend campus Jewish community events, including upcoming 10/7 commemorations.
  • Meet with Campus and Local Jewish Professionals - Engage with your campus Hillel director and AJC regional directors about what you’ve learned at the Summit and your plans to support Jewish students this year. 

Hillel International Resources

About the Campus Climate Initiative (CCI)

Application for Cohort 6, February-December 2025

Preparing for the 2024-2025 Academic Year: Best Practices for College and University Administrators

Best Practices and Principles: Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and Responsibilities of Students and Faculty

CCI Antisemitism Awareness and Workshops for Administrators 

AJC Resources

Confronting Campus Antisemitism: An Action Plan for University Administrators

Three Recommendations for University Administrators: A Resource for the 2024-25 Academic Year

Guidance for University Administrators on the First Anniversary of October 7th

AJC Guide for Higher Education Administrators for Successful Implementation of the US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

To download a PDF version, click here.

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