The drawing of swastikas in Cedarhurst is only the latest in a string of antisemitic acts on Long Island [“Teen drew swastikas in front of houses, cops say,” News, March 22].

Last summer, South Shore beach-goers witnessed a small plane towing a banner that depicted a swastika inside a Jewish Star of David, like an advertisement for hate. Other scrawls, etchings and pamphlets featuring the swastika have been appearing with disturbing regularity in our neighborhoods.

Fortunately, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, along with a growing number of mayors and town supervisors across Long Island, have signed onto the Mayors Against Antisemitism statement, an initiative by the American Jewish Committee.

They have joined with more than 300 U.S. municipal leaders and 60 mayors in Europe who recognize that the only way to combat this singular and despicable hatred is to take a stand village by village, town by town and county by county. We applaud their vigilance.

Robert Socolof, Melville

Editor’s note:The writer is Director of the American Jewish Committee Long Island.

This article was originally published by Newsday.

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