In a meeting this morning, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini confirmed to AJC CEO David Harris that she plans to address the AJC Global Forum in Washington, D.C., on June 6.

“We look forward to welcoming High Representative Mogherini in Washington this June in front of more than 2,500 people from over 70 countries,” said Harris, who has known her since she was Italy's foreign minister. “At this critical juncture in global affairs, it is more important than ever that we engage with leaders of the democratic world, foster the transatlantic partnership, and share views on events unfolding in the Middle East. AJC is proud to host High Representative Mogherini at this year's Global Forum, a venue addressed annually by top officials and statesmen from around the world.”

The announcement was made during a day-long AJC visit to Brussels for a series of high-level meetings, including a two-hour private dinner with Alain Le Roy, the Secretary General of the European External Action Service, the EU's diplomatic service.

Among the principal topics discussed during the meetings were: (i) the ongoing migration crisis in Europe; (ii) EU-Israel bilateral ties; (iii) the transatlantic partnership; (iv) rising instability in the Middle East; and (v) terrorism and the growing threat of antisemitism.

The AJC delegation also met with European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Kristalina Georgieva, a long-time friend. AJC has maintained close contact with Bulgarian diplomats around the world since the dramatic events in 1989 ended communist rule and the Soviet sphere of influence. AJC established the Transatlantic Institute in Brussels in 2004, through the vision and generosity of Rhoda and the late Jordan Baruch. The office has been directed by Daniel Schwammenthal, formerly an editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal Europe, since 2011.

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