Bravo to Gary MacDougal for calling attention to Russia’s ominous designs on oft-neglected Bulgaria (“Putin Targets Pro-Western Bulgaria,” op-ed, June 29). Bulgaria is a strategically situated Balkan nation, NATO and EU member and American ally that is in the cross hairs of Moscow’s determined effort to regain its influence in the former Soviet bloc. It is also a country that has stood strongly against Hezbollah terrorism, defended Ukraine’s independence and preserved a pluralistic tradition that includes a vibrant Jewish community.

Using the tools of energy blackmail and bribery, support for destabilizing political parties, heavy investment in the media and creation of faux environmental movements aimed at blocking any non-Russian-related oil and gas schemes, Russia has been moving aggressively in Bulgaria, as it has elsewhere.

The EU and U.S. need to blow the whistle on Russia’s actions and show unstinting support for the right of Bulgaria, like Ukraine, to chart its own destiny.

David Harris
Executive Director
American Jewish Committee
New York

This was originally published by Wall Street Journal.

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