American Jewish Committee (AJC) applauds the brands and companies that have served ties with Kayne West for his string of antisemitic statements.

But the fight against Jew-hatred doesn’t end with the rapper’s antisemitic tropes and conspiracies. There is more work to be done to combat the world’s oldest hatred. Here are six ways you can take action now.

1. Share

There’s no better time to share AJC’s Call to Action Against Antisemitism: A Society-Wide Nonpartisan Guide for America. This go-to resource – for both public and private sectors of society, including government, law enforcement, corporations, the media, and educational institutions – helps everyone understand, respond, and prevent antisemitism.

2. Advocate

Elected officials are often on the front line of combating antisemitism, protecting Jewish communities, and speaking out in support of American values. Congress can leverage resources to enhance Jewish security, establish structures to prevent and address hate, and confront the politicization of antisemitism. With just one-click you can send an email to your members of Congress urging them to take action against antisemitism.

3. Amplify

Amplify our message against hate. Spread this video on why and how antisemitism is different than other forms of prejudice. 

4. Learn

From Not the Real Jews and K*ke to Globalist, AJC’s Translate Hate glossary empowers you to identify, expose, and report antisemitism. Looking to dig a little deeper? Here are answers to ten tough questions about Jew-hatred, including the origins and sources of antisemitism, what it looks like today, and what Israel has to do with it.

5. Listen

The spotlight remains on UC Berkeley Law School after the decision by a handful of student groups to adopt bylaws that would ban Zionist speakers on campus. AJC unpacks this blatant antisemitism in a recent People of the Pod episode featuring faculty and student leaders who describe their firsthand experience of dealing with Jew-hatred on campus. 

6. Support

As the leading global Jewish advocacy organization, AJC works to ensure that every instance of Jew-hatred—no matter the source—is being met with swift and strong action. We can only do this essential work with your support. Please consider making a gift today.

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