Video the video of "Conflicts in Battle: How To Morally Engage an Army While at War," featuring Lt. Tzur Goldin, which took place at Jewish Community Center of Harrison on October 4th.  Thank you to JBS for recording the program, and making it available via YouTube.

Lt. Tzur Goldin is the twin brother of Lt. Hadar Goldin who was captured and killed by Hamas during Operation Protective Edge. While speaking powerfully from his own experience in Gaza about the broader issue of engaging a terrorist entity and staying true to IDF principles, he shared his family's story and campaign to bring his brother’s body back. Lt. Hadar Goldin was captured during a UN- and US-brokered ceasefire in flagrant violation of international norms and morality. The family hopes that the international community will pressure Hamas given its involvement with brokering the ceasefire.

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