Programs and Events


  1. July 15th – AJC Live, “Building Bridges Between Poles and Jews
  2. July 29th – AJC Live, “Remembering the Terror in Argentina and Calling for Justice
  3. August 5th – Memory and Justice:  Event Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the AMIA Jewish Community Center Bombing in Argentina
  4. September 8th – Film Screening and Discussion:  Etgar Keret: based on a true story
  5. September 10th – Dinner with A Diplomat with Canadian Consul General Phyllis Yaffe and Canadian Deputy Consul General
  6. September 15th – Kick-off Board Meeting and official office “housewarming”
  7. September 16th – AJC Live featuring Deidre Berger, Senior European Affairs Advisor, AJC Europe.
  8. September 16th- Diplomatic Outreach Training #1 featuring Jason Isaacson, AJC Chief Policy Officer
  9. September 17th- LFT Parents Pre-Program Reception featuring AJC CEO David Harris
  10. September 23rd-27th – UNGA Diplomatic Marathon
  11. September 23rd – Shared Roots, Divergent Paths program with Iona College (at Iona College, New Rochelle)
  12. September 26th – AJC Salon on Israeli Elections featuring Shahar Azani
  13. October 3rd – Project Interchange/INP Tour of Cornell-Technion Center
  14. October 10th – Diplomatic Outreach Training #2 with AJC CEO David Harris
  15. October 16th – Immigrant Rights Event at Bet Torah
  16. October 24th – Israel 101 (session #1)
  17. October 25th - Show Up for Shabbat 2.0 program at Temple Israel Center of White Plains featuring David Harris (5:50pm)
  18. October 27th – LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program
  19. October 27th – Stamford JCC Arts and Film Festival Program - “King Bibi” film screening and discussion
  20. October 30th - Stamford JCC Arts and Film Festival Program – “Murer: Anatomy of a Trial” film screening and discussion

November 3rd-5th – AJC Jerusalem Director Avital Leibovich Visits Westchester/Fairfield

  1. “Empty Nesters” parlor meeting
  2. Breakfast with Westchester County public officials
  3. AJC Live - “AJC Jerusalem Director Avital Leibovich Takes Your Calls”
  4. Prospect Luncheon
  5. Pre-event dinner with prospects at JCCH
  6. Community Event at Jewish Community Center of Harrison
  7. Breakfast with community interfaith leaders
  8. Meeting with rabbis
  9. Prospect Luncheon in Greenwich
  10. November 6th – Israel 101
  11. November 11th – Film screening and discussion of “The Snowball Rolled South” in collaboration with the Lithuanian Consulate. 
  12. November 12th – Israel 101 (session #3)
  13. November 17th – LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program
  14. November 18th – AJC Live: “Debating Immigration and Honoring Judge Learned Hand”
  15. November 18th - Curated Art Tour of 2019 Israeli Art Auction at Sotheby’s
  16. November 18th – Diplomatic Outreach Training #3 (Role Play)
  17. November 21st – Thanksgiving Diversity Breakfast
  18. November 25th – AJC Salon featuring Dr. Mehnaz Afridi
  19. December 4th Regional Board Meeting featuring Julie Fishman Rayman on Legislative Outreach
  20. December 5th – Learned Hand Debate on Immigration
  21. December 9th – National Leadership Council Event featuring Washington Post Editor Jennifer Rubin
  22. December 15th LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program
  23. December 16th – AJC Live with former AJC Atlanta Director Sherry Frank
  24. January 12th LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program
  25. January 27th – UN Holocaust Remembrance Program
  26. January 29th - AJC Salon “Iran – Are We Ready For What Comes Next?” featuring David Tessler
  27. February 9th – LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program
  28. February 12th – Community of Conscience Book and Film Club book discussion on “Rising Out of Hatred”
  29. February 13th – Regional Board of Directors featuring Avi Mayer, AJC Director of Global Communications
  30. February 20th – Israel 102 program
  31. February 24th - Shared Roots, Divergent Paths program (with Iona College) – “Dominion Over the Earth?:  The  Earth Crisis from the Catholic and Jewish Perspectives”
  32. March 4th – Israel 102 program


    1. AJC Westchester/Fairfield programming went virtual for the remainder of the 2019-2020 programming year
  1. March 22nd – LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) Program (Conducted via Zoom)
  2. March 31st- Regional Board of Directors Meeting with AJC CEO David Harris
  3. April 21st – “Of Many” Film Discussion with Rabbi Yehuda Sarna
  4. April 22nd – Regional Board of Directors Meeting featuring Benjamin Rogers, AJC Associate Director, Policy and Middle East Initiatives
  5. April 23rd – Nationwide LFT (Leaders for Tomorrow) program with Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Hon. Ron Dermer
  6. April 30th – “Social Media 101” with Avi Mayer, AJC Director of Global Communications
  7. April 30th – Community of Conscience Interfaith Meeting
  8. May 4th – “Passengers” Film Discussion with film director Ryan Porush
  9. May 7th – “Social Media 101 – Facebook Training” with Jon Schweitzer, AJC Director of Public Affairs
  10. May 12th - Virtual Iftar featuring Dr. Mahjabeen Hassan
  11. May 14th – Social Media 101 – Twitter” with Julie Lenarz, AJC Acting Director of Social Media
  12. May 19th – “IsraAID:  The World’s First Responder” featuring Yotam Polizer, IsraAID CEO
  13. June 1st – “Can We Help Those Most at Risk for COVID-19?”
  14. June 3rd – Community of Conscience Interfaith Meeting
  15. June 7th – Sacred Spaces Visits St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Rye Brook) 
  16. June 8th – “Helping Those Most At Risk from COVID-19:  Join Our Local Heroes and Help Your Neighbor”
  17. June 14th-18th – Virtual Global Forum 2020
  18. June 19th – Global Forum Salon: “Hate Speech vs. Free Speech”
  19. June 23rd – Community of Conscience Book and Film Club discussion of “So You Want to Talk About Race” and racism awareness discussion.
  20. June 25th- AJC Salon:  Is COVID-19 Destroying Our Privacy
  21. June 29th – Annual General Meeting featuring Hon. George Latimer, Westchester County Executive, speaking on “Leading in a Time of Crisis”

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