To the Editor:

Re “The Middle East Conflict on Campus” (Education Life, Aug. 7):

Activists on American campuses do the Palestinians no favors when they refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Yet that’s the essence of Students for Justice in Palestine.

Like other such groups in the B.D.S. movement, S.J.P. does not seek a negotiated two- state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In S.J.P.’s view, all of Israel is an illegal settlement.

The majority of Israel’s political leaders, like its advocates on campuses and elsewhere, recognize that peace will require both sides to make painful compromises in order to create two states for two peoples, living side by side in lasting peace and security. But unless and until S.J.P. and like-minded groups reach that same conclusion, their efforts not only will not promote peace, but rather will hurt the very people for whom they claim to advocate.

Assistant Executive Director, American Jewish Committee

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