An AJC leadership delegation just concluded a visit to Vienna.

The delegation, led by AJC CEO David Harris, met with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz; Chairs of the parliamentary groups for the liberal NEOS, center-right ÖVP, and center-left SPÖ; Israeli Ambassador Talya Lador-Fresher; and Chargés d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy Eugene Young.

Moreover, the group saw Oskar Deutsch, President of the Jewish Community of Vienna; Ariel Muzicant, former president of the Jewish Community of Vienna; Martin Engelberg, Member of Parliament; Hannah Lessing, Secretary General of the Austrian National Fund; and Michael Rendi, Austrian diplomat and Ambassador to Israel from 2008-2011.

“We came to Vienna to better understand the new government, led by a friend, Sebastian Kurz, but also including members of the far-right Freedom Party, with whom we were not prepared to meet,” said Harris. “The Chancellor laudably reaffirmed his commitment to the well-being and security of Israel and his zero tolerance for antisemitism, and urged us to pay close attention to his government’s actions going forward. We will certainly do so, while, of course, continuing to stay in close touch with our partners in the Austrian Jewish community and civil society. We attach the utmost importance to our longstanding ties to Austria.”

Among the principal topics discussed were: (i) Concerns surrounding the Freedom Party and its record; (ii) Austrian-U.S. and Austrian-Israeli bilateral ties; (iii)The continued threat to Europe and the Middle East posed by Iran; (iv) Austria’s role in the EU and the UN; and (v) Issues related to immigration, integration, and identity in Europe, including Austria.

AJC engages regularly with Austrian diplomats across the U.S. and elsewhere, and the global Jewish advocacy rganization meets with Austrian officials each year on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

The last AJC mission to Vienna was in the spring of 2017, at which time it had a productive meeting with then-Foreign Minister Kurz.

The delegation also included Kim Pimley, Chair of AJC’s International Relations Committee; Simone Rodan, Director of AJC Europe; and Deidre Berger, Director of AJC Berlin.

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