This piece originally appeared in the Dallas Morning News

To win the battle against hate crimes, we must first recognize there is a problem, understand its roots and primary targets, and then develop appropriate, effective strategies to combat them. The national plague of attacks on houses of worship and other religious institutions is, regrettably, happening here in Texas as well. There is much that can and should be done for our city and our state, and that will also help the national effort.

The number of reported hate crimes in Texas appears to be declining, in contrast to the rising national trend. But applause would be premature.

In the past year alone, two Texas mosques, the Islamic Center of Lake Travis and the Islamic Center of Victoria, were destroyed by arson. The Hillel at University of Texas was vandalized, and antisemitic fliers were posted at two Houston synagogues.

In 2016, Texas law enforcement agencies reported 178 hate crimes to the FBI. While this marks a decrease from the 191 reported the year prior, it is still higher than the 145 in 2014 and the 132 in 2013.

In 2016, Fort Worth led with the most racial or religious bias-motivated crimes. Yet cities with more than 100,000 residents such as Carollton, Irving, Garland, Frisco, Mesquite, Allen and Richardson either reported zero hate crimes or simply ignored the standard FBI request for data. Since the FBI depends on state and local police forces to provide statistics, accurate accounting is essential to grasp the extent of the problem and develop proper strategies to prevent hate crimes and punish those responsible.

While encouraging victims of hate crimes to report them is critical, that would require building trust that law enforcement will follow up. One promising measure, currently under consideration by Congress, would enhance the punishment for those convicted of such crimes.

Three Texas congressmen, including Marc Veasey from North Texas, were among the co-sponsors of the Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Act, overwhelmingly adopted in the U.S. House by a bipartisan vote of 402-2.

Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn should join the co-sponsors of the Senate measure, first introduced by Sens. Orrin Hatch and Dianne Feinstein, and press for a vote to pass it and send it to President Donald Trump for his signature.

Why action on this has been delayed is mystifying. The act is not controversial. It will amend the Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 to include other faith-based organizations such as community centers, schools and camps. The justice system will be better able to prosecute those who threaten violence to prevent others from practicing their religious beliefs. And federal penalties for bomb threats and other credible threats of violence against religious institutions will be increased.

Civil society can also play an important role. During the past year, a national Muslim-Jewish initiative has emerged and begun to take root here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It is called the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, convened in November 2016 by the American Jewish Committee and the Islamic Society of North America. Its local affiliate here builds on existing cooperation between Jewish and Muslim communities in Dallas. Fighting hate crimes is one of its priorities.

It makes sense. The FBI Hate Crimes Statistics report showed a national increase of 4.6 percent in hate crime incidents in 2016 as compared with 2015. Anti-Jewish incidents remain the majority of religious-based hate crimes, while anti-Muslim incidents rose nearly 20 percent that year.

The Dallas/Fort Worth Muslim Jewish Advisory Council recently met with Texas state legislators on both sides of the aisle to discuss ways to ensure that law enforcement training includes information on how to determine if an act of violence should be considered a hate crime. At the same time, elected officials must examine the reporting mechanisms to make sure that data is properly aggregated and relayed to the FBI.

Through joint advocacy, education and mutual support, the goal of driving down the number of hate crimes, and ultimately eliminating them, can be attained.

Joel Schwitzer is director of the American Jewish Committee Dallas Region. He wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News.

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