Holocaust Remembrance Day of the Greek Jewry

On January 25th, AJC New Jersey Director, Rabbi David Levy, and AJC Metro President, Genesia Perlmutter Kamen, at the invitation of Consul General, Dr. Konstantinos Koutras, attended the Commemoration of the International Day of Holocaust Remembrance at Hebrew Union College in New York, paying tribute to the tens of thousands of Greek Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Among the honored guests in attendance were AJC CEO David Harris and His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. This event reaffirmed Greece’s’ commitment to stand against racism, antisemitism, and the instigation of ethnic or religious violence as a criminal act.

AJC NJ at Holocaust Remembrance Day of the Greek Jewry

2018 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

The theme of this year’s United Nations Holocaust Remembrance Program, was Holocaust Remembrance and Education: Our Shared Responsibility.  On Wednesday, January 31st, thirty-three representatives from AJC New Jersey attended.  As part of our diplomatic outreach, we were pleased to invite and welcome ambassadors and consuls general representing Albania, Costa Rica, Greece, India, Panama, and the Slovak Republic.                                                 

AJC NJ at UN Holocaust Remembrance

                        AJC New Jersey Diplomatic Training with Samuel Kliger and Aaron Jacob

On February 20th, Sam Kliger, AJC Director of Russian-Jewish and Former Soviet Union Affairs and Aaron Jacob, AJC Director of Diplomatic Affairs, facilitated diplomatic outreach training for AJC New Jersey lay leaders at AJC Headquarters in New York. Sam designed a training focused on enhancing diplomatic skills—including offering special insight into our newly assigned country, Azerbaijan. Aaron complemented the presentation offering examples of practical application of diplomatic skills.

AJC NJ diplomatic training with Aaron Jacob and Sam Kliger

AJC Diplomatic & Interfaith Seder

On March 7th, AJC and ACCESS leaders, diplomats, and interfaith partners from around the globe shared the ancient story of Passover and learned what makes this night different from other nights. This year’s Diplomatic & Interfaith Seder, even in the midst of one of March’s Nor’easters, brought together over 200 diplomats, interfaith partners, and lay leaders for a meaningful evening of dialogue and advocacy at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York, including AJC New Jersey leaders, Henry Boll and Randy Gilman.

AJC NJ diplomatic seder table

AJC New Jersey and the Hindu-Jewish Coalition (HJC) at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

On March 15th, AJC New Jersey and the Hindu-Jewish Coalition (HJC) hosted a highly anticipated intercultural program at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Robbinsville, New Jersey. Two hundred guests experienced the gracious hospitality of the BAPS temple. The evening featuring keynote addresses from Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel, and Mr. Sandeep Chakravorty, Consul General of India, who poignantly exemplified the warm and growing relationship between India and Israel. Special mention was made of the role that AJC’s diplomacy has played in forging these bonds.  As Ambassador Dayan declared, “More and more, AJC is becoming the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Jewish People.”  This program was supported by the generosity of Borden Perlman, OHM International, Inc., Provident Bank, Comtrade International, Marcie and Marc Citron, and Lori and Michael Feldstein.

AJC NJ at BAPS Robbinsville

Interested in AJC New Jersey Diplomatic Outreach?

AJC Marshall Society members, have access to exclusive AJC opportunities, including engagement in AJC New Jersey’s diplomatic outreach efforts. Global Advocacy is at the heart of work of AJC. Through strategic, long-term diplomacy, we are able to affect policy on critical issues. AJC New Jersey has been tasked with focusing on building relationships with ambassadors and consuls general from Albania, Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Greece, India, Panama, and the Slovak Republic. By participating in high-level diplomatic meetings with these diplomats, you play a significant role in helping AJC gain the support of global decision-makers.

For additional information about how you can become involved in diplomatic outreach, please contact Joanne Bartosik, Assistant Director, AJC New Jersey, at Tel. 973.379.4924 or email: bartosikj@ajc.org.

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