AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organization, has joined the Leadership Circle of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC).

“Strong U.S. leadership and engagement internationally is critical for the security of our nation and closest allies, and for protecting democratic values and human rights,” said Brian Siegal, AJC’s liaison to the USGLC. “Our longstanding advocacy efforts dovetail with those of USGLC in supporting an international affairs budget that includes programs to advance America’s global economic, strategic and humanitarian initiatives.” The allocation comprises just one percent of the entire federal budget.

The USGLC is a national bipartisan network of more than 500 NGOs and businesses working to strengthen America’s civilian-led tools of development and diplomacy, alongside defense, to make America’s international affairs programs a keystone of U.S. foreign policy.

With headquarters in New York, 22 regional offices across the United States, 12 posts around the globe, and 37 partnership agreements with Jewish communities worldwide, AJC brings extensive experience and resources to the USGLC.

One significant recent example of AJC’s pioneering global advocacy was a statement signed by 31 prominent American and European leaders, and published as a full-page advertisement in The New York Times on September 26, 2018, reaffirming support for the transatlantic partnership.

In joining the USGLC as a coalition member, AJC will seek to continue educating the Jewish community, and the American public more broadly, about the critical importance of U.S. global engagement.

“As a member of USGLC’s Florida Advisory Board and engaged in USGLC’s work for over a decade, I have seen how vitally important it is to our national security, economy and American values to support our nation’s civilian tools of diplomacy and development,” said Siegal, who also serves as Director of AJC’s Miami and Broward County Region.

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