American Jewish Committee (AJC) Philadelphia welcomes the NAACP decision to remove Minister Rodney Muhammad as head of the organization’s Philadelphia branch, and replace the entire local leadership.

The action comes a month after Muhammad posted on social media a blatantly antisemitic meme that was condemned widely. NAACP State Conference President Kenneth Huston was among the first to react, sharply criticizing Muhammad and calling on the National NAACP to take punitive action. Strong criticisms came from Philadelphia and Pennsylvania elected officials, as well as AJC, and many called on Muhammad to resign.

“The national NAACP leadership has taken a bold, yet necessary, step, in removing Rodney Muhammad as president of the organization’s Philadelphia branch. If an organization stands opposed to hate, it cannot have an unapologetic antisemitic leader,” said Marcia Bronstein, Director of AJC Philadelphia.

The executive committee of the NAACP’s Philadelphia Chapter voted to dissolve itself and yield full control to the national office, which will appoint new local leadership next month

Bronstein said that AJC looks forward to working with the new Philadelphia NAACP leadership in the promotion of social justice and civil rights, and advancing these issues together.

“Past accomplishments by the Black and Jewish communities are too important to be derailed by Minister Muhammad’s hate. Together, we have the responsibility to call out all bigotry and hate, even when it painfully comes from within one of our own communities,” said Bronstein.

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