AJC has named Jacob Levkowicz as the global advocacy organization’s newly-created Assistant Director of Campus Affairs.

The position will address the rise in activities targeting Israel and its campus supporters across the country, and monitor and combat incidents of antisemitism.

“The American college campus has become a front-line battleground for those who seek to denigrate Israel and to undermine the Middle East’s only true democracy,” said Daniel Elbaum, AJC Assistant Executive Director and Director of Regional Offices, who will supervise the effort.

AJC has long worked with university students, faculty, and staff to deepen knowledge about Israel, and to bolster efforts to respond to organizations that seek to use campus settings to vilify Israel. In recent years, resolutions to boycott and otherwise assail Israel have become a routine occurrence. In some instances, there have also been virulent acts of antisemitism of a nature not seen on the American college campus in many decades.

The new AJC position will help develop strategies to enhance Israel’s image on university campuses, and combat campus-based antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

“Jacob Levkowicz is a passionate advocate for Israel with deep and abiding relationships on college campuses across the United States,” said Elbaum. “I look forward to working closely with him.”

Levkowicz, a graduate of Weslyan University, has spent the past year at AJC as a Goldman Bridge Fellow with ACCESS, AJC’s acclaimed Young Leadership Program. Prior to joining AJC, he worked at The David Project, a Boston-based advocacy organization that focuses on Israel and young people.

“I am honored and delighted to represent AJC as the agency embarks on a new chapter of engagement with colleges and universities across the country,” said Levkowicz.  “AJC is well-placed to help provide student leaders, faculty, and administrators with the critical engagement, support, and resources to positively impact the campus conversation on Israel-related issues.”

Levkowicz pointed out that the stepped-up AJC effort to address the critical situation on campuses is both timely and essential. “I am thrilled to return to my campus roots and to again work with a robust network of talented pro-Israel student advocates, dedicated campus professionals, and other groups focused on the university community,” he said. “Sadly, these same voices standing on the front lines have borne the brunt of rising anti-Israel activity -- and, in some cases, unadulterated antisemitism -- on a growing number of campuses in recent years.”

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