AJC applauded the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for unanimously passing today the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and commended bipartisan leaders in Congress and the administration for striking a compromise that allows for congressional review of a final U.S.-led P5+1 deal with Iran on its nuclear program. Negotiators are aiming for a June 30 deadline to finalize the “framework agreement” announced on April 2.

“Today’s agreement by President Obama and the Senate committee’s action assures that Congress will assume its rightful role in reviewing any final nuclear deal with Iran,” said Jason Isaacson, AJC Associate Executive Director for Policy. “Broad recognition of the need for congressional review of a deal of such magnitude and strategic impact is a significant achievement. We urge the Senate to pass the measure in short order.”

The compromise legislation requires the President to submit the final agreement to Congress, which will have up to 52 days to weigh in on the deal. While language requiring the President to confirm that “Iran has not directly supported or carried out an act of terrorism against the United States or a United States person anywhere in the world” was removed, the revised bill does require the President to issue a series of reports to Congress on a range of matters, including Iran's nuclear program, its ballistic missiles materiel and possible military dimensions of the nuclear program, and the regime’s support for global terror. Further, the President would be required to certify to Congress every 90 days that Iran is complying with the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

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