CG Cosmin Dumitrescu at 2022 AJC Los Angeles Hanukkah
The Honorable Cosmin Dumitrescu, Consul General of Romania and Dean of Los Angeles Consul Corp

On December 20, 2022, AJC Los Angeles hosted our Annual Hanukkah Reception for the LA Consular Corps and our many community partners, with over 100 civic leaders in attendance. This year, we were proud to bill the event as our “Shine a Light”Hanukkah, part of the national #ShineALight campaign in which AJC is partnering with fellow Jewish organizations. 

Melvoin and Chopra at 2022 AJC Los Angeles Hanukkah
The Honorable Nick Malvoin, Los Angeles Unified School Board Vice President; and Manmohan Chopra, India Association of Los Angeles President

The festive gathering was held in the conference and outdoor patio area of AJC’s new offices in the mid-Wilshire District. With over 30 diplomats in attendance, candlelighters included The Honorable Cosmin Dimitrescu, Consul General of Romania and Dean of the Consular Corps, The Honorable Boyko Hristov, Consul General of Bulgaria, Manmohan Chopra of the India Association of Los Angeles, and Nick Melvoin, Vice President of the LA Unified School District Board of Education. 

Schwartz, Hirschhaut, and Hristov at 2022 AJC Los Angeles Hanukkah
Russell Schwartz, AJC Los Angeles International Relations Co-Chair; Richard Hirschhaut, AJC Los Angeles Director; and The Honorable Boyko Hristov, Consul General of Bulgaria

Each shared thoughtful reflections on the enduring messages of Hanukkah and our shared struggle to overcome hate and injustice. Hanukkah is also an opportunity for AJC leadership to shine, with the program opened by our amazing Board President, Marc Graboff, and a trio of “shamashim,” AJC’s lights, Vice-Presidents Vivian Alberts, Bob Horning, and Russell Schwartz.  Click here to view more photos.

Three candles lit at AJC Los Angeles 2022 Hanukkah


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