2022-10-20 Alissa Bernstein and Debbie Lechtman
@Rootsmetals and AJC Los Angeles Assistant Director Alissa Bernstein

Last night, AJC LA's ACCESS hosted its first in-person Annual Meeting, with Debbie Lechtman, otherwise known as @Rootsmetals on Instagram, as their guest speaker.  This event, “Fighting Antisemitism Online in 2022”, focused on how to understand better how to combat the world's oldest form of hatred on the world's newest and, at times most dangerous, form of communication - social media.

We had an incredibly diverse and engaged crowd of over 35 brilliant young Jewish leaders. Their curiosity, desire to learn, and desire to communicate with others are what remind us why we do the work that we do.

2022-10-20 AJC Los Angeles ACCESS Annual Meeting


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