AJC welcomed the spirit of cooperation and friendship expressed at the press conference held today in Washington by President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

President Trump’s reaffirmation of our country’s “unbreakable bond with our cherished ally Israel” reflects the sentiments of the great majority of Americans of both parties, who agree with him that “the partnership between our two countries built upon our shared values has advanced the cause of human freedom, dignity, and peace.”

During the press conference, President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu both said that Israeli-Palestinian peace, whatever form it may take, will only come through face-to-face negotiations between the parties, and cannot be imposed from outside—a view shared by AJC.

At the same time, as reaffirmed by AJC’s National Board of Governors in a statement issued in December 2016, “AJC continues to believe that a two-state solution is the only realistic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as established through direct bilateral negotiations between the parties themselves.” As the statement expressed, “AJC has long recognized that the alternative of a one-state reality is simply untenable and, therefore, a non-starter – an abrogation of the Zionist ideal of a Jewish and democratic state.”

AJC was heartened by the president’s assurances that, under his administration, the U.S. will “reject one-sided action against Israel at the United Nations,” fight anti-Israel boycotts, and continue to cooperate with Israel in fighting terrorism.

And in light of Iran’s recent testing of ballistic missiles in violation of international law, AJC applauds the president’s stated determination to prevent that country from “ever developing a nuclear weapon.”

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