American Jewish Committee (AJC) issued the following statement in response to the Trump campaign comparing the latest indictment to Nazi Germany in the 1930s:

"Early in the 2024 presidential campaign is a good time to remind all those engaged in political discourse that this rhetoric is deeply offensive and disrespectful.

Here’s some advice. Please sit with a Holocaust survivor and let them share their story. Just listen. Then show them the respect they deserve and honor the memory of the six million Jews slaughtered by the Nazis by never making a comparison like this again."

AJC is the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people. With headquarters in New York, 25 offices across the United States, 14 overseas posts, as well as partnerships with 38 Jewish community organizations worldwide, AJC's mission is to enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values in the United States and around the world.

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