In response to the announcement the Israeli government has authorized the construction of 2,500 new housing units in West Bank settlements, AJC CEO David Harris issued the following statement:

“Optics are important in politics, and the optics of Israel’s announced settlement construction, so shortly after President Trump took office, are not helpful. Yes, the construction may be in those areas Israel intends to keep in any possible deal with the Palestinians. And yes, the Trump administration may (or may not) end up taking a different approach to this issue than its predecessor. Nonetheless, Israel is taking a gamble that this step won’t further inflame an already difficult situation on the ground and internationally. And while the stark reality is that the biggest hurdle by far to an accord with the Palestinians remains their incitement and intransigence, this announcement, alas, could hand anti-Israel forces a PR victory.”

Photo By: Ronan Shenhav

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