AJC decries France's counterproductive decision to implement the 2015 EU labeling guidelines regarding Israeli goods produced in the West Bank and Golan Heights.

“AJC has long been a strong supporter of a negotiated two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, and has argued that settlement expansion, even if not the core of the conflict, is not helpful to the conflict’s resolution,” said AJC Paris Director Simone Rodan-Benzaquen.

“Labeling products from the Golan and the West Bank will not advance peace,” she continued. “On the contrary, it will encourage those who have advocated for discriminatory boycott policies against Israel, which France rightfully considers illegal. It is no coincidence that those organizations that support the total boycott of Israel are the ones that welcomed the labeling decision.”

The decision urges French businesses to mark goods from the West Bank and the Golan Heights as “made in the West Bank (Israeli settlement)” and “made in the Golan Heights (Israeli settlement).”

“France has an important role to play in the peace process due to its historic, strong relations with both the Arab world and Israel,” Rodan-Benzaquen continued.

“However, to be effective, it is imperative that France position itself as a constructive, honest partner of both sides. The decision to label products is yet another signal running counter to this intention, and will only hurt those who seek a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

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