AJC is shocked and appalled by what is being described as the worst act of mass shooting in American history.

At a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, a gunman, Omar Mateen, murdered at least 50 people and injured another 53, a number of whom are in critical condition.

"We are simply speechless in the face of such an act of pure evil and hatred," said AJC CEO David Harris. "We mourn the loss of innocent lives, who appear to have been targeted by the killer solely because of their sexual preference. We pray for the full recovery of those rushed to area hospitals and in need of urgent medical attention. And we know the authorities will leave no stone unturned in investigating the motives of the gunman and whether he acted alone, as initial reports suggest he may have been influenced by homophobia and perhaps radical religious teachings."

"This is a time for national solidarity and mourning," Harris concluded. "Violence and hate crimes must be totally and categorically rejected. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the mourning families and friends, we pray for the full recovery of the injured, and we again ask how can weapons be so easily found and used to such tragic ends in our beloved country."

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